Serving over 73,000 acres in Merced & Stanislaus Counties
Land within the Eastside Water District is primarily agricultural and irrigated with groundwater.
EWD is actively exploring opportunities to recharge the groundwater aquifer with excess supplies that might be made available through hydrologic events.
ETS GSA November 19 Workshop

News & Announcements
Sustainable Groundwater Management Act
The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) was passed in 2014 to help protect the groundwater resource over the long term. SGMA enables local agencies to form and manage groundwater. SGMA required local agencies to form Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs) covering the groundwater Subbasins in which they are located. GSAs are required to develop and implement a Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP), plans to achieve sustainability and prevent undesirable results.
Board of Directors Meetings
The Board of Directors of the Eastside Water District meets at 9:00 am the third Thursday of every month at Cortez Hall, at 12937 North Cortez Avenue, Turlock, California 95380. Open to the public.
Eastside Water District Map